Nice Bike Rack

2.739 Group Project - Nice Bike Rack

This video pretty much sums up the project. Great work on the editing, Lucy!

In 2.739 - Product Development and Design, we worked in interdisciplinary teams of eight to identify a market opportunity and develop a product to fullfil that need. I had a great time working with Team NiceRack (Amaury Rony, Anil Kumar, Nicola Tan, Lucy Zhao, Yan Zuang, Saran Limvorasak, Lisa Song, and myself) to design a car bike rack that stows quickly onto the roof when you don't need it and folds down in seconds when you want to mount a bike. This project was a great learning experience, and we ended up making a really NiceRack (patent pending).

​The NiceRack alpha prototype on a Ford Escape.