National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergrads at the Illinois Institute of Technology
In this 10 week summer program, I carried out research under Professor Khaligh and Professor Emadi at the Illinois Institute of Technology in the area of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (through the NSF REU program). I started out by doing a literature review and writing a paper summarizing Bi-Directional Charging Topologies that was published in APEC 2010. Next, I simulated my own topology using Matlab and wrote another paper illustrating the results that was published in VPPC 2010. I later went to an NSF conference and presented a poster on my work. After that summer, my work was significantly expanded by Omer Onar and Jonathan Kobayashi under Professor Khaligh for a journal paper that was published in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. Overall, it was an awesome experience, and helped inspire me to work toward a graduate degree.
Professors Khaligh and Emadi with the summer REU students at the Illinois Institute of Technology